
Exclusive Certificate offer for new money!

Earn 5.40% APY[1] with a
7-Month Certificate

Offer valid only for funds new to Bethpage.

Open an account

[1] APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY is accurate as of --/--/---- and subject to change. APY assumes all dividends remain in the certificate until maturity, and a withdrawal will reduce earnings. Penalties may be imposed for early withdrawal. $50 minimum balance to earn APY and to open account. Fees may reduce earnings. 7-Month Certificate account is available for “New Money” only. New Money is defined as money not currently on deposit in any Bethpage Federal Credit Union account.

Is a Bethpage Certificate right for you?

A Bethpage Certificate Account is designed to increase your savings in a secure and predictable way, with a fixed dividend rate for the term of the product.

Save with confidence - deposits are federally insured by the NCUA.[2]
Start with as little as $50.
Certificate will automatically renew at maturity with no action required by you.


Membership is established, by opening a savings account, which is subject to approval, with a $5.00 initial deposit.

Becoming a member gives you access to the financial products and services offered by Bethpage.

Ready to take advantage of the benefits of Bethpage Federal Credit Union? Open an account today to establish membership.

Yes, there is a penalty for early withdrawal of Certificates. If you withdraw funds from a Certificate before the maturity date, you may incur early withdrawal penalties.

Twelve (12) month or shorter-term Certificates will incur a penalty equal to ninety (90) days dividends on the principal amount withdrawn.

Certificate terms greater than twelve (12) months will incur a penalty equal to one hundred eighty (180) days dividends on the principal amount withdrawn.

Important Information

[1] APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY is accurate as of –/–/—- and subject to change. APY assumes all dividends remain in the certificate until maturity, and a withdrawal will reduce earnings. Penalties may be imposed for early withdrawal. $50 minimum balance to earn APY and to open account. Fees may reduce earnings. 7-Month Certificate account is available for “New Money” only. New Money is defined as money not currently on deposit in any Bethpage Federal Credit Union account.

[2] The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) share insurance coverage of $250,000 applies to each share owner, per insured credit union, for each ownership category. For more details and to learn more about NCUA share insurance visit www.ncua.gov.